AUDITION: J. Jonah Jameson (“Spider-Man: Turning Point”)
This makes the third time I’ve auditioned for the role of J. Jonah Jameson. I’m beginning to see a pattern here. LOL! Honestly, I don’t expect this one to come my way as the director specifically asked for something other than a J. K. Simmons style – and honestly, I have always felt Jameson had the gruff, gravel voice from always smoking and yelling – so that is what I went with. If it happens to sound a bit like J. K. Simmons’ take on the character, well… so be it! This audition was a bit different than the others in that they wanted me to do some improv in the last section – which threw me a bit at first, but then I just started talking and ended up with what you hear in this audition. This newer JJJ is a bit more “me” in that he has a podcast/radio show – and I have the same – so I can kinda see how to take the character when he’s in the “on-air” chair… which is where he is in this audition.