When Your Podcast About Monsters Becomes A Monster Itself
One of my favorite things to do with my Weird Darkness podcast is to produce our Saturday episodes for kids 12+, “Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids“. Sometimes I go a bit overboard in the production of it – and this time is no exception. For the episode, “Monsters in the Storm” I wasn’t satisfied with the thunderstorm sound effects I had in my personal library, nor was I happy with the ones I found online – so I combined all of them, overlapped them on top of each others, and made a massive thunderstorm for the ages. It will probably be subtle within the podcast, but this was the only way it would sound okay to me. I bounced all of this to a single track and then started creating the episode from there with the rest of the sound effects and music – which were once grew monstrous. Below is what my Adobe Audition multitrack looked like. If you’d like to hear the episode, scroll down to the bottom of this post.
Listen to ““MONSTERS IN THE STORM” by Scott Donnelly #MicroTerrors” on Spreaker.